German Workers' Party (Austro-Hungary)

German Workers Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, DAP), a right-wing political party in Austria at the beginning of the twentieth century, was founded in 1903 in Ujazd on the Elbe River. It was among the German population living in present-day Austria, as well as in the Czech Republic and Moravia. Related to the all-German movement, it also proclaimed anti-clerical, anti-Marxist, anti-Semitic and anti-Slavic passwords. It also worked to improve the fate of the German working-class population. At the Reichsrat election in 1911 she won three seats.

The party was liquidated in May 1918 - its part in the territory of today's Austria transformed into the German National Socialist Workers Party of Austria, headed by the last leader of the DAP (only a few months), Walter Riehl.



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