Gieorgij Szpagin

Georgi Semyonovich Szpagin (Russian: Георгий Семёнович Шпагин, born 29 April 1897, died 6 February 1952) is a Russian soviet constructor.

Spaghetti was born in the village of Klucznikowo in the province of Vladimir in a peasant family. After completing only 3 classes of primary school, he worked at his parents' farm and then as a driver. During World War I in 1916, he was assigned to the army and was assigned to a gunpowder workshop, where he obtained a gunman's specialty and became acquainted with the weapon's construction.

In 1920, he started working as a locksmith at Kowrowski's Armory in the department of construction of machine guns, which was headed by renowned constructor Vasilij Diegtariow. Pointing out talent, Spaghetti became an assistant in 1922, then a co-worker of Diegtariowa. The first of its own design was a ball bearing for attaching a 6.5 mm Fyodorova double-barrel machine gun, based on which it developed a spherical yoke for the standard 7.62 mm DT tank.

The spaghetti has developed an improved power supply for ammunition for the 12.7 mm DKK Diegtariew machine, which was previously produced in small batches due to the low rate of fire resulting from the small 30-pounder magazines. The ramp was fitted with a DK in drum head for powering the tape. Modernized in km was adopted for the armaments of the Red Army in 1939 and directed to mass production under the designation DSzK (Diegtariowa-Szpagina Krupnokalibierny - Wielkocalibrowy Diegtariowa and Spaghetti), becoming the second most popular in the world in km.

In 1941, Szpagin constructed his most famous weapon model - the PPSz, a popular "pistol" machine gun, produced in 5.5 million pieces during World War II, the primary weapon of this class of the Red Army. PPSz-41 was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Stalin Prize. After the war Spartak tried to further develop the design of the PPSz-41 machine gun. PPSz-45 machine gun, but the weapon of this class was no longer needed and no further successes.

In addition to the small arms, the Spagin constructed the OPSz-1 lightning launcher in 1943 and the successful SPSz signal gun for which he was awarded the second Lenin Order. Bibliography



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