Iwan Turjanica

Ivan Turjaniy, Ivan Turyanica or Turyanitsa, born 1943) - professor, deputy and dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technical University of Uzhgorod, chairman of the Podkarpacie Rusyns Union (Общества подкарпатських русинов, Obscure Subcarpathian Rusinov), chairman of the Carpathian-Rysyn Society in Uzhgorod (since 1997), Prime Minister of the Interim Government of Subcarpathian Rus' (1993). Ivan Turjanica is also a signatory of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples and participant in the International Conference on Inter-Ethnic Relations in Transcarpathian Ukraine (Użhorod, Ukraine, 4-7 September 1998) at the European Center for Minority Issues (ECMI). of the unrivaled king of the Carpathian Ruthenians

The government of prof. Ivan Turanica was banned by the Ukrainian authorities in August 1994. Publications



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