Barion number

Barium number - one of the physical quantities that are retained in nuclear reactions. For baryons it is 1, for antigens -1, and for other elementary particles (eg electrons) and mesons . The law of baryon preservation is a consequence of the fundamental global symmetry U (1) (unitary transformation group). It means that the wave function of any barion is transformed according to the pattern ψ ( x ) & # x2192; ψ & # x2032; ( x ) = e i B α ψ ( x ) {\displaystyle \psi (x)\rightarrow \psi '(x)=e^{iB\alpha }\psi (x)} B is a baryon number and a is any global parameter (independent of the time-space point x). This transformation is a symmetry of equations describing the physics of strong interactions (quantum chromodynamics). Quarks have a fractional biconic number of 1/3. The number of baryons is maintained by the fact that quarks must always be generated in the same number of transformations as the antiquarks. Breaking of the baryon number could have occurred during the evolution of the Universe, and this period is called bariogenesis. The principle of baryon preservation implies the stability of the lightest barrier, which is the proton. This is because the principle of conservation of energy shows that a particle can spontaneously disperse only on particles lighter than one another. However, since there would be at least one barrier in the breakdown products, the breakdown of the lightest barrier would be impossible. Searching for proton decay is the most important test of the principle of baryon conservation. Many hypotheses that go beyond the Standard Model (eg, theories of great unification or superstring theory) imply the existence of interactions that violate the principle of baryon preservation, and therefore the possibility of proton decay (although the probability of such decay is very small).



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