Apollodoros of Athens (historian)

Apollodoros of Athens (Apollodoros ὁ Ἀθηναῖος, Apollodoros ho Athenaios, born around 180 BC), is a philologist, geographer and Greek chronicler.

He began his scientific career in Athens, where he studied under Diogenes of Seleuke. After Diogenes' departure to Rome in 156 BC, Apollodoros went to Alexandria to study at the then-director of the Alexandria Library, Aristarchus of Samotraki. After 145 years, when Ptolemy VIII Fyskon exiled all the scholars of the museum and library from Alexandria, Apollodoros went initially to Cyprus, then to Pergamon, where he spent a dozen years, and finally reached Athens.

His main work was the lost Chronika (Χρονικά) - modeled on the chronological studies of Eratosthenes of Cyrene, an outline of the history of Greek civilization since the Trojan War (which dates from 1184 BC to Eratosthenes) until 144 BC. His philological interests centered around Homer's works. In the work of Peri neon catalog (Περὶ νηῶν καταλόγου; About the ship directory) gave a comment to the so-called. a catalog of ships from the II Book of Iliad. In the 24th book, Peri theon (Περὶ θεῶν, O gods) referred to the homeric pantheon, giving the first Greek philological-theological treatise. Other works by Apollodorosa are: Ges periodos (Γῆς περίοδος; The Land Description) and Bibliotheke (Βιβλιοθήκη). Authoritative control (person):



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