Financial assets
Resource wealth - besides natural resources, the element of national wealth. Property wealth is on the one hand the state of equipment of the country in buildings, buildings and equipment. On the other hand, property resources also include household equipment in work tools, work items and durable consumer goods.
When analyzing assets, assets and equipment that are part of fixed assets (reusable) are taken into account. The following indicators are used for the analysis: - gross value of fixed assets - expenditures incurred for their production or purchase without deduction of consumption value, - net value of fixed assets = gross value of fixed assets - amortization, - consumption rate - ratio of consumption value to gross value of fixed assets.
Non-productive assets include property, plant and equipment that includes technical assets and assets of economic and social infrastructure.
In Poland, the shortage of fixed assets (in relation to Western Europe) is best seen in infrastructure. The greatest asset of the fixed assets is in the industry, which is related to the policy pursued immediately after the Second World War. In Poland there is also a high level of consumption of fixed capital in the basic production and municipal economy.
Durable assets owned by households serve their consumer needs. They are one of the determinants of wealth or poverty in society, and as a result they influence the standard of living. They allow greater mobility of labor and human resources, making the economy work better. Some components of household wealth are either substitutive or complementary to those at the disposal of business entities, eg private cars in relation to means of transport of transport companies. The asset is durable over time and is consumed and needs to be reconstructed through investments and repairs.
Consumption of fixed assets is decapitalization.
Demand for various types of repair services increases as households grow their wealth. Bibliography
1. Winiarski Boleslaw; Economic policy; Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 1999
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