Franz Romeikat

Franz Romeikat (born October 7, 1904 in Iwenberg, then East Prussia), was a Nazi criminal, member of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp and SS-Unterscharführer.

He was a watchmaker. From March 6, 1933, he belonged to the NSDAP and the SS. In November 1940 Romekait was appointed to the Waffen-SS and then, in February 1941, to the Auschwitz camp. Initially serving in the clothing store, and from November 1942 to October 1944 in the camp administration department dealing with prisoners' property. He brutally referred to the prisoners, often beating them. He also took a keen interest in looting the possessions of Jews murdered in the gas chambers of the Birkenau.

Franz Romeiet was sentenced on the 22nd of December 1947 to 15 years of imprisonment at the first Auschwitz trial by the Supreme National Court in Cracow. The prison was abandoned by amnesty in the 1950s. Bibliography



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