
Amytis is a Persian princess from the Achaemenid dynasty, the daughter of King Xserks I and Queen Amestris, sister of Artaxerxes I. The wife of the nobleman of Magabyz.

Amytis and her mother were presented by Kessian as the two most powerful women during the Artaxerxes rule. According to Greek sources, Amytis was an absolute woman. According to Kessian, Megabyzus himself accused his wife of forgery (during Xerxes rule). When Megabyzus died, Amytis had an affair with a Greek doctor - Apollonides of Kos, and when the affair was discovered, Apollonides was tortured for two months and then buried alive by the queen-mother, Amestris. Another Greek historian - Dinon, described Amytis as the most beautiful and most ruthless woman in Asia. None of these sources is completely reliable. No image of Amytis makes it impossible to reproduce its appearance. Revolt

About 445 p.n.e. Amytis' husband, Megabyzus, launched a successful revolt against her brother in Syria. At first Amytis opted for his brother-in-law during the war, then with Amestris and satrap Artarius, mediating between her husband and her brother during the peace negotiations. Megabyzus again fell into disrepute, was expelled from the royal court and exiled to a small town on the Persian Gulf. Five years later, the king forgave Magabyzus and, thanks to intercession, Amytis and Amestris allowed him to return to court. Offspring

Amytis gave Megabyzus two sons:

After the death of his parents, Zopyrus fled to Athens.



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