Economic classification

The national economy classification is made according to two criteria:

The economic classification (subject) of the national economy is made according to the nature of its activities and determines its division into spheres, divisions, branches and branches. The national economy is divided into 19 divisions, each of which groups individuals with similar functions resulting from the social division of labor.

The national economy comprises the following sections:

The divisions of the national economy are divided into 86 branches and 371 branches. The division of divisions into branches and branches is based on the ever-growing specialization of individuals. The whole national economy is divided into two spheres: the sphere of material production and the sphere outside material production (intangible services).

The sphere of material production includes: industry, construction, agriculture, forestry, transport, communications, commerce, other branches of material production and communal economy.

The remaining sections fall into the sphere of material production.

Due to the great importance of the economic classification of the national economy, it was developed by the Central Statistical Office according to uniform criteria. The individual levels of the national economy classification (KGN) are denoted by uniform numerical symbols. The economic classification of the national economy thus compiled is used to compile statistical information and to compile reports. KGN is also used to give statistical identification numbers to each organizational unit. Statistical numbers assigned to units according to the uniform coding system are recorded in the register of REGON national economy units.

The organizational classification (subject) of the national economy is designed to create the conditions for the efficient management of the national economy.

The main organizational division of the national economy is the division into the departments of the central government, which are ministers. Bibliography



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