
January Suchodolski Farys

Farys - a Muslim rider, a professional warrior (Mameluk), a ghilman-warrior fighter, the equivalent of a European knight. The Arabic word meant the rider (Nicolle, Saracen Faris, page 3). Armed with the following types of weapons (but not all at once): bow, sword, sword, spear, javelin, ax (tabarzin), wait, whip, copy, mace - the art of using this weapon called furusiya was practiced in barracks, and when hunting wild animals. But furusiya is not only a weaponry fight, but also horse riding, wrestling, crossbows, crossbows, horse races, guns, obedience, tactics and strategy, good armor, armor, persistence and agility (Nicolle , page 8-9). According to Siyast Nama, he was 8 years old, and was graded on the use of arms, horse and armor, as well as his duties and fate (Nicolle, page 10). Muslim warriors wore long hair and mustache in contrast to the civilian population (Nicolle, Saracen Faris, page 5). Turks, Armenians, Kurds, Greeks, Slavs, Iranians (Persians) and Arabs served in cavalry units of the frescoes. The famous medieval freak was Usama Ibn Munkiz, who left the diary "Kitab al-itibar".



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