Late alcohols

Late glaciation is the decline of glaciation. This term is mainly related to the last termination of the glaciation. The beginning of this period varies from region to region. 21-14.5 thousand. years BP (18-13 thousand years C BP), but its end is equivalent to the end of Pleistocene and the beginning of holocene - 11.65 thousand. years BP. In Poland the late glacier is the upper part of the main north-Polish glaciation. The climate in that period was characterized by high volatility. The general improvement of the climate in the direction of interglacial fashion was interrupted by a series of strong and violent colds, such as the younger dryas. The warmest phase at this time was the Bølling / Allerød interlibrary which lasted about 2 thousand. years.

Chronostratigraphic division of late glutathione: oldest dryas - & gt; 14.7 thous. BP years (& gt; 12.6 thousand C BP)



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