Thick maple

Tlstý javor (1019 m), a high pass in the Slovak Ore Mountains, in their side ridge, in a group called Balocké vrchy.

The pass is of a slight decrease in a fairly leveled ridge and does not have a significant orographic significance. The highway (National Road 529) passes from Breza in the Hron valley in the north to Hryniowa in the Slatina valley to the south. Buses run between the above mentioned towns (stop on the pass). At the pass, a cemetery of soldiers and partisans killed during the Slovak uprising. Hiking trails

The pass is a hiking trail. A red-marked long-distance tourist trail, called Rudna Magistrala: at Klenovský vepor 4 godz. 10 min; at Zákľuky 2 hours; from the Dobroč village of Čierny Balog in the Black Hron valley 2 h. 45 min.



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