Akt Genscher-Colombo

Act Genscher-Colombo Genscher-Colombo Act - proposition of German ministers Hans Dietrich Genscher and Italian Emilio Colombo. It was submitted in November 1981. The document assumed closer integration within the framework of European Political Co-operation. They wanted to make the European Council the governing body of the European Communities. The Act provided for an ever stronger European integration, particularly in the field of economic and monetary union, aimed at establishing the European Union. It was adopted as part of the Solemn Declaration on the European Union adopted on 19 June 1983 in Stuttgart by the European Council. In this document, The role of the European Council was emphasized and the creation of an economic and monetary union was called.

The Echo of the Genscher-Colombo Act was an initiative of the European Parliament, expressed in a Resolution of 14 February 1984, which contained the draft Treaty establishing the European Union. It was a constitution of a united Europe. The Genscher-Colombo Act is also known as the Genscher-Colombo Act. European Act. Bibliography



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