Grigory David

Grigorij Fyodorovich Chelyabinsk-Dawidov (d. 1521) - Boyar at the court of the Moscow princes Ivan III and Vasyl III, voevoda. The son of Fyodor Dawidowicz, the boy and the governor.

He took part in 1495 in Ivan III's voyage to Novgorod. In 1496 he was mentioned as the second governor of the regiment in the Swedish regiment, the second expedition in the same year as the second governor in the regiment of his right hand. In 1501, the first governor in the regiment of right hand, participated in the battle of Mścisław. In 1502 5th Governor in the army of Semena Ivanovitch Możajski.

In 1507 the first voevoda in the great regiment in the procession from the Great Arches to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and in 1508 the governor of the greater. In 1510 he was appointed first vicar of Pskov and led the town to an oath of allegiance. He frequently participated in battles with the Tartars as the first or second governor. In 1512, the first voyager in the regiment of left hand during the Moscow expedition to Smolensk during the Lithuanian-Moscow war of 1512-1522. In 1514 sent to Smolensk, and after his capture and disclosure of Michal Gliński's treason further to the camp Orsza. As the governor of the regiment, he took part in the Battle of Orsza and, despite his brave attitude, escaped from defeat. After the battle, he did not participate in warfare.



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