Magnetomotive force

Magnetomotor force - the circulation of a magnetic field vector, ie, the integral of a magnetic field along any closed curve: F = & # x222E; C H & # x2192; ⋅ d l & # x2192; = & # x222B; S i d s = I {\displaystyle F=\oint \limits _{C}{\vec {H}}\cdot {\vec {dl}}=\int \limits _{S}i{\text{d}}s=I}

i is equal to the current flowing through any surface bounded by the integral curve.

For a coil, the magnetomotive force of any curve including coils is equal to: F = I ⋅ from {\displaystyle F=I\cdot z}

The unit in the SI is amper [A] and in the MKS - amperdevelopment [Az].

where: F - magnetomotive force, H - intensity of the magnetic field, dl - closed contour element C ds - Surface element S extends on contour C, and - current density, I - intensity of the current flowing in the conductor, z - number of turns of the coil winding.



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