National Labor Protection Battalion

Tautinio Darbo Apsaugos Batalionas - the name of a collaborative armed formation serving as an auxiliary police composed of Lithuanians operating in occupied Lithuania during the Second World War.

Immediately following the German attack on the USSR on June 22, 1941, an anti-Soviet insurgency broke out in Lithuania. Kaunas Ambrazevičius was created in Kaunas by the Lithuanian Interim Government. It formed a guard battalion, on the basis of which the battalions formed under the name Tautinio Darbo Apsaugos Batalionas. They were composed of Lithuanian fighters of the anti-Soviet insurrection. On the sleeves of the uniform they wore white bands. The battalions were under the authority of the German Einsatzgruppen. Their task was to clean the area from the Communists and their supporters and other people who were considered hostile. In addition, they assisted the Germans in transporting, guarding and murdering Lithuanian Jews. After a few months the battles were resolved.

Historical National Labor Protection Battalion (Litewski)



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