
Procession Old and water in St. Peter's Square. Mark St. Mark, buildings from the left: New Procession, Ala Napoleonica, Procession of Old

Old Procession and Proclamation - two buildings located along St. Brand in Venice.

Left 50 archers on the ground floor and add a second floor. Under the arcades, there are three passages connecting the square with the street at the back of the building. Today, the ground floor occupies numerous shops and cafes. The most famous of these is Caffe Quadri (opened in 1775) and Caffe Lavena (opened in the mid 18th century), Richard Wagner's favorite place.

On the ground floor, under the arcades is the Caffe Florian, existing since December 29, 1720, the oldest cafe in Venice. Procurate Buildings merged the wing of Alla Napoleonica, built in the classicist style on the order of Napoleon by Giuseppe Maria Soli at the site of the San Gieminiano church and the wings of the Proud Houses. In this wing was a ballroom. The building of Alla Napoleonica and the New Proponent are connected. At present, there are museums with entrance from the Ala Napoleonica building.



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