Raggruppamento Frecce Rosse (Red Arrow Group) - Collaborative armed formation of an Italian army composed of Indians, Arabs and Africans during the Second World War. From May to July 1942, an armed formation was formed under the name Raggruppamento Centri Militari, consisting mainly of British Army prisoners of war originating in Arab countries, India and northern and eastern Africa. They were Hindus, Arabs, Sudanese, Tunisians. The officers and the non-commissioned officers were Italian. The formation consisted of three subdivisions: It was about 1.2 thousand. including about 400 Hindus and about 200 Arabs. Colonel Massimo Invrea de Stato headed it. Subsequently, a small number of Tunisians and Indians were sent to Italy to complete their parachute training in Tarquinia. In August 1942, the formation was renamed Raggruppamento Frecce Rosse. After the defeat of the German-Italian forces at El Alamein at the turn of October and November 1942, the Indians and Arabs lost motivation t...
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