
A promissory note - in medieval Poland, a person dealing with exchange of money during the great trade events of the time, such as fairs.

Due to the large variety of coins in circulation, the nuisance of buyers and sellers was the cash flow of transactions.

The cause of this state of affairs in medieval Poland was several:

All issues related to the conversion of coin values ​​and their exchange, and the determination of which of them are wholesalers, and which are not (it was common to cut the edges of coins, which underscored their importance) rested on the promissory note. His workbench was a bench on which he set up his equipment: weight, weights, magnifying glass, jewelery and chemical probes (to set the bullion in a coin) and put coins in a bag. The exchange benefited from the exchange and was often mistaken for fraud. This, in turn, signaled the destruction of his workplace, the breaking of the hated bank (bancarotta - bankruptcy), and the stealing of coins, which was often done even though the promissory note was used to protect the ruler or city councilors.

That was the basic role of the promissory note in medieval Poland. In the principals and republics of Italy he exchanged for cash and accepted bills until the founding of cantors and banks.



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