Stejpan Wasilievich Mosin, Russia Степан Васильевич Мосин (born in 1904 in Chernyszino village in the Kalusin region in Russia, died after 1946 in the USSR) - Soviet teacher, co-founder and member of the Central Committee of the National Socialist Party Russia and the chief editor of her press body, a member of the so-called Lycocki Republic, then Plenipotentiary at the Armed Forces Headquarters of the Russian Federal Liberation Committee for material aid to refugees from the occupied territories of the USSR during World War II.

In 1927 he joined the Allied Communist Party (Bolsheviks). In 1937 she was excluded from criticizing the collectivisation of agriculture. In 1940, he was accepted back to the Communist Party. He worked as a teacher. After the German invasion of the USSR on 22 June 1941, it was mobilized on 10 August for the Red Army. He was to serve in the battalion building, but the rapid progress of the Germans made the division dissolved. Stiepan W. Mosin arrived in the town of Eagle, where his family lived. After some time he moved to the village of Łokoć, the central seat of the so-called authorities. Łokocka Republic. He became deputy Bronisław W. Kaminski, who in turn was the deputy head of the Republic of Łokota Konstantin P. Woskobojnik. He was responsible for the agitation and propaganda. He participated in the creation of the National Socialist Party by K. P. Woskobojnik, then became a member of the Central Committee and the chief editor of her press body "Gołosa naroda". He was also an author of articles. After the murder of K. P. Woskobojnik on January 8, 1942, S. W. Mosin became chairman of the 5-member executive board. He participated in the formation of successive units of the "folk militia", renamed the Russian People's Liberation Army (RONA), and in some clashes with the Soviet partisans in the so-called " The Republic of Latvia and later Belarus. He was part of a court of law that guided guerrillas and assistants. After the failure of the 29th Grenadier Division of the SS and the inclusion of its troops in the Armed Forces Committee of the Liberation Committee of the People of Russia at the end of 1944, S. W. Mosin was assigned to the personnel section of the KONR Armed Forces. He was appointed plenipotentiary for material assistance to refugees from occupied areas of the USSR. At the end of the war, the remaining "owners" were released to the Soviets, who arrested him and imprisoned him. He was sentenced to death at the end of December 1946.



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