Władysław Kosiński (linguist)

Wladyslaw Kosiński (born 24 June 1844 in Jurkow in the Brzesko district, died 3 February 1914 in Myślenice) is an amateur linguist.

High school teacher in Cracow (St. Anna High School, Sobieski Middle School) and Wadowice (1872-1882). Encouraged by Lucjan Malinowski - a well-known dialectologist - prepared a dissertation on the ethnography of the Podhale dialect ("A Contribution to the Zakopane Dialect" 1885).

While working in Wadowice, he collected materials for work on the ethnography of the Beskid mountaineers and collected many well-written fairy tales. In the early years of the twentieth century he supplemented his collections of "Ethnographic Material Collected in Various Areas of Galicia" (1903). Kosini's works appeared in ethnographic journals such as "Lud" and "Vistula", eg "Shoemaker in the mouth of the people" (1903), or "Festivities in Maków, Kalwaria and Zebrzydowice" (1910). Bibliography



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