Bolszaja Bliznica
Burshaya Bliznica - a barrow in the Taman Peninsula, 8 km south of the ruins of the ancient city of the Greek Fanagory, from the 4th century BC Terracotta figurines from the barrow Bolszaja Bliznica, collections Hermitage
Its height is 15 m, circumference - 340 m. Under the embankment, 3 stone tombs were exposed, 2 grave plates and several cremation burials. In one of the tombs the walls are decorated with paintings of a plant theme, on the jumper of the dome was painted Demeter, decorated in Greek style. In another tomb, in a cypress wood sarcophagus, with ivory applications and carved elements, rested a priest in a golden calatraine on the head, decorated with a relief depicting the scene of a mythical battle, with rich jewelry, among others. a gold necklace with amphorae. There are also 26 terracotta figures associated with the cult of Demeter. All products are attributed to Greek or Bosnian masters, and were made in the spirit of Greek art of the late classical period. The excavation work in kurhan began in 1864 and was repeatedly resumed. The burial mounds of Bolszaya Bliznica are currently kept in the St. Petersburg Hermitage. Bibliography
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