Great Greece

Great Greece about 280 r. P.n.e.

Great Greece (Latin: Magna Graecia, Greek: ἡ Ἑλλάς ἡ Μεγάλη he Hellas he Megale) - in ancient times the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula and most of Sicily colonized by the Greeks in the 7th / 6th century BC. during the great colonization period. Otherwise called Great Hellada. The main tribe that colonized the area was the Joni, hence the name of the area that was flooding the area from the east and south of the Ionian Sea.

The main centers were located in such cities as Taranto, Kroton (Achaea), Sybaris (Achaia) and Sicilian Messianes and Syracuse. The tyrants of the latter reached some hegemony throughout the area at some point. In the 3rd century BC p.n.e. In Great Britain, Greece included the lands: Lukania, Calabria, Bruttium and Apulia. Great Greece was conquered by a gradual conquest by Rome until 272 BC. The distinctness - also the linguistic - of the Great Greek region was very noticeable. Italian Greek colonies had a cultural impact on other communities, including the Etruscans and the Romans.



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