
Homoioi, Homojoj - in ancient Greece (especially in Sparta) full-fledged citizens, able to hold office. The word homoioi (class ὅμοιοι, group, singular is hómoios) means "similar", "equal", "equal". Homosexuals were all free adult men in a given policy, regardless of property status or origin. Equality as a resemblance was one of the foundations of the existence of Greek cities and the guarantee of their community character. In Sparta

Sparta was called spartans in Sparta. Each of them possessed one non-negotiable plot of land - called kleros or klaros (κλῆρος, κλᾶρος) - which most often practiced helmets, because the Spartans spent most of their time on military training. Kleros inherited the eldest son. To be part of homoioi, the following conditions had to be met: Bibliography



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