Jurgis Kriksčiuns

Jurgis Kriksčiunas, a politician of the Lithuanian Army, was one of the most well-known Lithuanian underground guerrillas in the post-war period. Suwalszczyzna area.

Medical student. Since 1945 a member of the Lithuanian underground of independence, a soldier of partisan Dajnawa-Jazwież district. Information Officer, responsible for providing information on Stalinist persecution from Lithuania to the West. Poland arrived in 1946 as an emissary of the Lithuanian underground in order to organize communications with representatives of the French and US embassies. On December 24, 1946, Wojcichiszki, as a representative of the Lithuanian side, participated in the conclusion of an agreement on the area of ​​operation of Lithuanian troops on Polish soil, concluded with Michał Kaszczyk, a representative of the WIN command of the Augustinian and Suwałki Region. The border crossed again in 1947 and 1949. He was active in the Suwalki region, where at that time many Lithuanians lived, where he could count on material support. For some time he was a member of the Polish guerrilla unit commanded by Jan Sadowski and Peter Burdin. In the last period of his life, he hid with Vitas Prabulis in the Shlinokiems. The hiding place was located in a jutting bunker in the pine forest of Józef Jakimowicz. The Prabulis family, Peronele Savickaite-Valinciene, Sigitas and Alfons Valincius, and the Pauliukonis family also helped them.

He died as a result of the raid of the battalion of Rapid Reaction from Bialystok. Three rings of soldiers circled the wood in which he was hiding. The partisans were surprised at the meal preparation, desperate to commit suicide. Prabulis shot himself in the mouth and died on the spot, Kriksčiunas died on his way to the hospital. All those who helped the guerrillas met heavy reprisals in the form of jail, money laundering and displacement. Bibliography



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