Peter Leibing

Peter Leibing - German photographer, author of the famous 1961 picture of the East German soldier Conrad Schumann jumping across the border to West Berlin two days after the Berlin Wall was established.

August 15, 1961 Leibing was a beginner photojournalist working for the Contiepress photography agency in Hamburg. Leibing had arrived less than a day earlier and had received confidential information from the police officer that one of the East German guards seemed hesitant and could try to escape through a precarious wall that was then a low barbed wire barrier. Leibing watched the guard for an hour, and then he was sure that he would risk his escape. As the crowd gathered on the west side, he began to encourage the soldier with the shouting Komm rüber! (Pass!), He finally decided and jumped. Leibing took one photo with his non-automatic Exakta camera. As he recalled, the experience gained during the shooting of horse-racing competitions in Hamburg was at this point. The photo appeared on Bild's cover and then circled the world, becoming one of the most recognizable icons of the Cold War. She won the Overseas Press Club Award for Best Picture in the 1961 daily newspaper. Peter Leibing made a few more photos of Conrad Schumann that day, when he, without a gun and in unbuttoned uniform, came out of a police car and was taken away after escaping.



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