World Oshu Kai Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate Do Kobudo Federation

Oshu Kai Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate To Kobudo Federation (W.O.F.) - a world organization founded in 1993 by Okinawa karate master and kobudo - Kenyu Chinen.

The organization is registered in Okinawa Prefecture (Japan), its headquarters and main Dojo is located in the traditional Mura-Saki-Mura complex in Yomitan (Okinawa-Japan). Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate and Okinawa Kobudō are also active in the organization.

Sensei Kenyu Chinen - 9 dan is a direct disciple of masters: Choshin Chiban, Shuguro Nakazato and Katsuya Miyahira of Shorin-Ryu and Shinpou Matayoshi of kobudō.

Currently, the organization brings together more than 20 countries from the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa. The organization works closely with other traditional Okinawan organizations. The word "Oshu Kai" means "association of royal exercises" and specifies only the name of the organization.

Representative of W.O.F. In Poland is sensei Alexander Staniszew - 8 dan, acting as general secretary.



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