Bamboo massage

Bambus oldhamii Bamboo Massage - A relaxing massage performed using bamboo sticks that are rolled over the body. Chopsticks have different thicknesses and lengths as they are adapted to individual techniques and body size. They need to be properly prepared for the massage: first thoroughly washed, then disinfected, and finally heated and maintained at elevated temperature to keep warm throughout the massage. Description of the massage

The main tool for the specific character of this massage is the bamboo sticks. Manual techniques begin and end the massage, and they function as fasteners between successive movements made with sticks (mainly when changing their thickness). To fully appreciate the benefits of massage, it is essential to ensure the optimum temperature of the room where the massage is performed, as the masseur works on large, exposed parts of the body. Extremely helpful is also the relaxing music and aromatherapy.

At first, the masseur uses larger diameter sticks to prepare larger areas of the body. Then, by blotting it with a hand-stroke, it uses the smaller diameter that allows for a more precise massage of the individual parts of the body. The next step is to combine the two types of bamboo with very vigorous and slightly stronger movements in order to reach and warm up the deeply located muscles. In the end, the masseur performs gentle bite with the smallest sticks to calm the skin and muscle movements.

Original massage performed using different sizes of bamboo chopsticks and brooms. Chopsticks that adapt to the shape of the muscles during the massage, strokes, strokes and kneads the entire body with varying rhythm and intensity. Thanks to the pressure of the sticks, the treatment improves blood circulation. It has the effect of draining and modeling, it perfectly eliminates the tension and strengthens the muscles. Bamboo massage effectively influences body modeling, elasticises the skin, reduces cellulite. It stimulates and stimulates the whole body. Relaxes and improves mood, and the body regains the feeling of incredible lightness. In addition, the sounds of measured bamboo sticks bring the wits into a state of deep relaxation and forgetfulness. Indications and contraindications to massage with bamboo

Contraindications for bamboo massage are similar to classical massage. Bibliography



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