Dawid Torosiewicz

Dawid Torosiewicz (born 1787, August 8, 1849) is a Polish advocate, the precursor of the principles of advocacy ethics in Poland.

After becoming a lawyer, he was in appellate courts. Some of the speakers and writings published, among others. Answer in Nikorowicz and Nikorowicz's answer to AP Poplawska's reclaim. Thanks to the patronage he obtained, he was able to speak in cases before all instances, including the Supreme Court, the Senate, and the State Council.

Torosiewicz is the author of one of the first Polish books about the lawyer - the idea of ​​the appointment of legal defenders (1822). He stressed the importance of the advocacy profession, emphasized the beauty of the speech, but also expected the advocates to defend the truth. He wrote, "Beauty always has to give way to truth.... Defender (...) ought to defend the court, against the audience, without the slightest images, to present the truth. support, the principles of righteousness and the right to be able to find out, and to put it clearly and accurately, against violence and every righteousness boldly set. " The attorney who met the above expectations referred to him as an artist.

Thoughts on the appointment of legal counsel have become one of the foundations of the bar code of ethics advocated over a hundred years later (the book was resumed in 1917). Similarly, after many years of fulfillment Torosiewicz's other postulate - the association of advocates in defense chambers. Bibliography



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