
Diagram showing the pathways in the spinal cord, the anterior spinothalamic fasciculus and the posterior spinothalamic fasciculus, the spinal-horn pathway

The tractus spinothalamicus (lat. Tractus spinothalamicus) is characterized by pain and temperature and a touch without any of its kind, from coils of spinal nerves to the hills. Course

Impulse from the receptors runs through the peripheral nerves to the coils of the nerve roots, then to the posterior roots to the hind corners of the spinal cord, where they undergo a synaptic shift, and then cut the medial midsection and pass to the opposite side of the core. They then enter or descend the Lissauer one or two segments of the core. At this level, the intersection crosses and enters the opposite side of the cervical and lateral ligaments in the lateral (Lissauer's lateral cortical-sciatic nerve pathway leading to pain and temperature sensation) and the frontal (hollow-core frontal conduction sensation) of the spinal cord. Both pathways coincide in the brainstem as a core ribbon (lemniscus spinalis), adjacent to the medial web, and undergo changes to the posterior lateral ventricle (VPL) of the hindquarters. From there a projection is sent to the somatic cortex in the parietal lobe. Bibliography

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