Leonora Jakupi

Leonora Jakupi - (born 3 March 1978 in Skënderaj) - Albanian singer and songwriter from Kosovo.

Curriculum vitae

She began her singing career at age 15 for the first time at the "Zëri and Drenicës" (Drenicy's Voice) festival. She sang the song "Dallëndyshe bukuroshe". Soon after, she presented herself at the Albanian Radio and Television Festival in Tirana.

His song "A vritet pafajësia" (Can you kill innocence?) recorded for the first time in 1998 became one of the most sung patriotic songs of contemporary Kosovo. L.Jakupi dedicated it to his own father, who belonged to UÇK and was killed during the war. In 1999, Leonory's younger sister died. After 1999 Leonora moved with Skenderaj to Pristina where she now lives with her mother and siblings.

In 2002 Leonora was beaten in Pristina by another famous singer Adelina Ismaili. Leonora reported the case to the police, but the prosecution dismissed the case. Probable cause of the conflict could be personal injury, but also different political views of both singers - Leonor is considered a supporter of PDK (Party Demokratike e Kosovës), in contrast to A.Ismaili, associate with LDK (Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës). The reconciliation and public apologies of the singers took place in February 2007, in one of the television programs.

Currently, Leonora Jakupi is one of the most famous singers in Kosovo. Performs pop music inspired by Turkish motifs. He also works with the Kosovo Ministry of Culture on copyright protection and the fight against piracy. discography Albums Bibliography



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