Society of Applied Art Poland

The Society of Applied Art - an artistic association established in Cracow in 1901, whose aim was to create and popularize artistic design and to promote applied art and to give it a rank analogous to the so- Pure art.

The Society issued a periodical called "Wydawnictwo Towarzystwo Polskiej Sztuki Stosowanej" (No. 1-7), and then "Applied Art" (No. 8-17) in the period 1902-1913. In the letter were reproductions of old Polish art (especially folk art) and the work of members of the Society.

The members of the association were Kazimierz Brzozowski, Jan Bukowski, Józef Czajkowski, Eugeniusz Dąbrowa-Dąbrowski, Karol Frycz, Karol Maszkowski, Antoni Procajłowicz, Jan Rembowski, Kazimierz Sichulski, Karol Tichy, Edward Trojanowski and Henry Uziembło.

The founder and chief theorist of the association was art critic Jerzy Warchałowski. Bibliography



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