Václav Rusek

Václav Rusek (born 25 February 1928 in Komárov at Opava, 30 January 2016 in Brno) is a Czech university educator and a leading European specialist in the history of pharmacy.

He was active in the Czech and Slovak Pharmacy Departments in Brno, Bratislava and Hradec Králové. In 1987 he became assistant professor at the Charles University in Prague ("Organization and Management of Pharmacy"). In 1972 he founded and since 1994 built the Czech Pharmacy Museum, a unique establishment in the Czech Republic, located in the Baroque hospital Kuks.

Jest członkiem m. in. International Society for the History of Pharmacy, Academie Internationale d'Histoire de la Pharmacie (Haga, Holandia), Society for the History of Science (Heidelberg, Niemcy) and Czechosłowackiego Stowarzyszenia Farmaceutycznego. More important works Rusek, Václav - Valaskova, Ladislava - Drha, Jiří: The Charm of a Baroque Pharmacy in Kuksu. Prague 2007. Rusek, Václav - Smečka, Vladimir: Czech chemists. Prague 2000. Rusek, Václav - Berka, Ivan: Pharmacy exlibris catalog. Prešov-Hradec Králové 1984. Rusek, Václav - Kučerová, Mária: Introduction to pharmacy and pharmacy history. Prague-Martin 1983. Rusek, Václav - Solich, Jan - Hartl, Stanislav: Pharmaceutical propedeutics. Praha 1975. Rusek, Václav - Hanzlicek, Zdenek - Rajtr, Zdenek: Baroque pharmacy in Kuksu. Hradec Králové 1971. Rusek, Václav a kol .: Chapters from the history of the Czechoslovak pharmacy. Bratislava 1970. Rusek, Václav: Development of some drugs and their production facilities. Bratislava 1963. Authoritative control (person):



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