Zygmunt Kazimierz Waza
Zygmunt Kazimierz Waza (born April 1, 1640, died 9 August 1647) is the only Polish bride, the only married son of King Ladislaus IV Vasa and his first wife Cecilia Renata, named after Sigismund III's grandfather and uncle Jan Kazimierz. >
As he was an only child, he was almost a candidate for the successor of Ladislaus IV. French traveler Le Laboureur described him as a very lively, slim and agile child. There was also a remarkable mind in it. He learned quickly and at the age of seven he was fluent in Polish and German and made great progress in Latin. Prince also wore Polish attire, which further strengthened his position as a candidate for the crown. The prince was outraged when he was speaking to him in German, crying, "... I am a Pole so speak to me in Polish."
In summer 1647 the boy suddenly fell ill. According to one, he overcame fruit, others claimed he was infected with a swine flu from the Denhoff Pomeranian voivodes. After five days of suffering and bloody diarrhea died. Wladyslaw IV, who was very sad because of his sadness, did not even go to the funeral in Cracow. Bibliography
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