Михаил Михайлович Шаповалов (born January 11, 1898 in Grajworon in Russia, died May 8, 1945 in the area of ​​Przybram, Czechoslovakia) - Russian, then Soviet military ), commander of the 3rd Infantry Division of the Armed Forces Committee of the Liberation of the Nations of Russia at the end of World War II.

He completed a real school in Belgorod. From 1915 he served in the Russian army, taking part in the First World War. On April 15, 1918, he joined the Bolshevik army, becoming commander of the cavalry squadron. In December of that year he was captured by the Ukrainian government, but he managed to escape in February 1919. This year he became a member of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik), but in 1921 he was excluded from the party wave of purges. At the turn of 1919/1920 he underwent cavalry courses in Moscow. In February 1920 he took command of the cavalry squadron in the 22nd Kiev Cavalry Regiment in the 1st Cavalry Regiment. He was even briefly in charge of the regimental commander. Until 1921 he fought with Ukrainian insurgents. He then became deputy commander of the cavalry cavalry school at the Kharkov cavalry school. In 1922 he graduated from the cavalry department of the higher educational military school in Kiev. Until 1923 he served as an adjutant in the staff of the 3 Kazan Small Division. From 1924 he studied at the anti-chemical service in Moscow, then in 1926 he became head of anti-chemical service in the 651 cavalry regiment, and from 1932 - the military district of Vojvodina. In 1937, he became chief of staff in the area. On the wave of Stalinist purges in the fall of this year, he was arrested by the NKVD and sentenced to 8 months in prison. Upon his release, he assumed command of the artillery school in Sevastopol. From 1939 he studied at the military academy for them. Frunze. After it was completed in August 1941, the commander of the 320th Division, fighting against Germany, among others. in Crimea. From June 2, 1942, he was deputy commander, and from July 2 he was the commander of the first independent corps of the Crimea. On August 14th, he was captured by the Germans. According to some sources, he himself went to the Germans, reporting on the desire to fight the Stalinist regime and collaborating. On October 1, he was promoted to Major General. In 1943, he became head of the operational department at Sonderstab "P" Abwehr in Warsaw. After his dissolution, he was commander of the camp in Toruń, where Soviet engineers were analyzing information about the Soviet defense system. In December 1944 he joined the Armed Forces of the Committee for the Liberation of the Nations of Russia. Initially, he organized the anti-tank brigade, and from February 1945 - the 3rd Infantry Division of the Armed Forces of the KONR, headed for it. Until the end of the war, the unit was not formed (only the staff and seedlings were formed). On May 8th, Col. M. M. Szapilov and General Fyodor I. Truchin went to Prague to contact the command of the 1st Infantry Division of the KONR Armed Forces. In the vicinity of the town of Příbram, however, he was arrested by Communist Czechoslovak guerrillas and immediately shot. Bibliography



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