
Protoemium - Late Latin prefix or adjective, for example, to a dissertation, a code, a law, litany, etc. Until today, it is used in legal and church publications.

In rhetoric the term "protoemium" (also exordium) is the first of the five parts of a compositional scheme of speech. Protoemium is an introduction to speech intended to win the favor of the audience and to familiarize them with the subject. According to many ancient rhetoric, the last of the five parts of speech, percussion, should be the substantive repetition of the proto. The first and the last part of the speech must be stylistically different - the prose is kept in a matter-of-fact and calm style, and the percussion should have a strong emotional impact on the listener. This rule was not strictly followed - for example, the beginning of the Cicerona Cylinder is maintained in the tone of spontaneous indignation. Bibliography



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