
Chentejn (Хэнтийн нуруу, Chentijn nuruu; Хэнтэйн нуруу, Chentejn nuruu) - the framework mountains in north-eastern Mongolia and partly in Russia (northern part of Chenteju, Хэнтэй-Чикойское нагорье, Chentej-Chiko nagorje), at the foot of which lies the capital of Mongolia Ulan Bator. The northwestern part of Chenteju lies in the Aymakaya district (forming part of the eastern part of the Ajmaku), southwest of the central Ajmaku (forming the north-eastern part of the Ajmaku), at the foot of Bogdchan Uul lies the capital of the Dzogunmod. The chedi is called Chenteju and is located in the central part of these mountains (at the southern tip of Chenteju is the capital of the Ajmaku Öndörchaan), within the territory of the eastern ajmaku are the eastern extremities of Chenteju (forming the northwest part of the Ajmaku).

The course of the NE-SW band, the height of the central part of the band is 2000 m nm, the highest peak of the Asraltchajrchan uul with a height of 2799 m n.p.m. Divide the Pacific catchment from the Arctic Ocean catchment. Built of Paleozoic rocks.

Mostly covered with forests (taiga), where the main tree is larch. Tajga Chenteju is a southern part of Siberian taiga where the taiga gradually passes into the forest (in the outskirts of Chenteju the southern slopes of mountains and valleys are steppe, northern slopes - forest). At the same time, higher parts of Chenteju (above 2000 m nm) are covered by mountain tundra. Most of Chenteju is in the permafrost area.

In Chenteju there are sources of the following major rivers: Onon and Kerulen from the Amur river basin, Tuul gol and Jöröö basin from the Jenisej river basin.

Chentej Mountains near the Mongol inhabits the Buryat minority. Bibliography



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