Gravure culture

Venus of Lespugue - these types of female figurines are typical of Gravure culture
Grave culture, gravitation - a high-archaic archaeological culture with extensive European areas. It was from 32 to 20 thousand years old. The name of this culture comes from the finds at La Gravette in the Dordogne department in south-western France.

Characteristic for gravure culture are the products with straight-back (gravure blades), as well as figurines of women, so-called. Venus of the Palaeolithic (eg the Venus of Willendorf) discovered in Austria, probably from Central Europe. The most important position of culture in Poland is Kraków ul. The sleeper, on whom were discovered a lot of flint tools including the leading monuments of this culture as a singleman and knives of the Kostienka type. At this point, the largest mammal bone in Poland has been found, which contains remains of a minimum of 90 individuals. Objects created during the Grave culture period were also found during excavations conducted in the Oblaz Cave near Nowy Targ. There are, among others, bone boomerangs. In Moravia and Ukraine, figurines of the fauna of these areas were discovered, such as mammoths, hairy rhinos, cave lions and bears. Bibliography



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