International Clearing Union

International Clearing Union (ICU), the British project for the establishment of an international financial institution, was launched in 1944 by J.M. Keynes at the Bretton Woods conference.

The basic task of the ICU was to regulate the supply of international liquidity. The anticipated creation of international money (bankor) amounted to 36 billion US dollars. The USA was to enable Europe's economic recovery and the return to monetary stability and freedom of exchange in world trade when the doctrine of economic liberalism for state interventionism was abandoned as a result of the crisis of the 1930s and balance of payments ceased to be the overarching policy goal. business.

The ICU's lending activity, which was supposed to be relatively liberal, was intended to protect member states from the need to apply restrictions on foreign trade if the external balance condition was in conflict with a full employment policy. As a result of the US negative view, the project of J.M. Keynes has not come into force, and the concept of international money creation has been used in the SDR system. Bibliography



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