Optical time multiplexer
Optical Time Multiplexing (OTDM) - a type of time division multiplexing in which multiplexing and demultiplexing are performed in an optical way. Unlike the TDM electrical mismatch, electro-optical and optoelectric conversion are implemented in the baseband. Multiplexing and demultiplexing are already subjected to an optical signal. E / O processing is performed before multiplexing, even at lower bitrates. Similarly, the O / E conversion occurs after demultimplexation. In high-speed TDM multiplexing, there is a problem of limited speed of electronic circuits. The speed of the electrical part of the system must be equal to the multiplied signal speed. In case of OTDM, this problem disappears because the electrical system is working only in the baseband, before the multiplexer and after the demux.
First stage of the processThe first step in the process is to sample the signal from the primary channels. A series of optical pulses characteristic for the primary channel is generated. These pulses must be short enough and have a relatively low fill factor. Optical pulse generation methods
The most commonly used methods of optical pulse generation are: Sampling synchronization
An important part of the whole system is synchronization of sampling in subsequent primary channels. Ensures the proper time and sequence of multiplexer signals from the channels. This is to prevent the overlapping of samples. Delayed systems are used to correct the sampling time of each channel. Literature
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