Portrait damy (obraz Rogiera van der Weydena)

Portrait of a lady - painting by Rogier van der Weyden, an example of late-Gothic portrait painting in the Netherlands.

The portrait was painted on oak wood with oil technique. She presents a young woman on a neutral dark background.

The face of the lady's court is characterized by delicate features. The woman has sensual lips and big eyes. The sight directs downwardly forward. Her high forehead and back to back blond hair obscures a transparent pearl veil. In this elegant dark brown outfit, the gold jewelery pieces give the woman a grace that emphasizes her elegance and courtesy of the image.

This image is characterized by a dynamic array of fluid diagonal lines that define not only the strong lines of the veil of the lady, but also the combination of individual parts throughout the image. One of the lines, starting at the bottom, forms the edge of the courtly cuff, and continues along the right line of the neckline. The second line marks the left part of the neckline and the line of the fragmentary left sleeve. The lines touch the height of the red horizontal band, which is a strong color accent, while the dress color is very muted and dark with a dark background.

Portraits of Rogier van der Weyden feature many common features in both concept and composition. The composition of Rogier's portraits is based on the geometrical structure in which he inscribed the en trois quatres of the sitting figure. The same features are also included in the bust, fragmented often presented palms. It is noteworthy that emphasis is placed on individualization, both the exposition of the individual characteristics of the appearance and the discreet character of the person. According to the opinion of some of the researchers shown in this picture, the lady is identified with the illegitimate daughter of Prince Burgundy Philip de Good - Marie de Valengin.



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