
Quiz - a kind of fun, intellectual entertainment for several people, consisting in presenting one of the other subjects in the form of a query so that the correct answer can be deduced from the information provided and the general knowledge provided. The question should be formulated in such a way that the answer is not quite obvious, the fun is de facto discussing the various possibilities and excluding those that do not meet the requirements of the question.

Fun is sometimes conducted in front of the television cameras, so this quiz becomes a variation of the game show. Etymology

This word first appeared in 1784, in England, and is then a strange person. This term has survived in the English word "quizzical". It was also used in the term "quizzing glass", linked to the British regency. Then it was used in the sense of "mock someone", "mock". It is not known how this word gained today's meaning of the test, but it does not appear in it before 1867, when it appeared in the United States. OED2 has a quotation from 1847, in which the word "She com back and quiesed us" appears, which may be the key to understanding the origin. Quiz as a test can also come from the distorted latin phrase "Qui es?", Meaning "Who are you?" American Heritage claims that the quiz may come from the English dialect, "quiset", meaning "ask". Regardless of everything, the word has the same origin as the word "question" or "inquisitive."

There is also a well-known urban legend about the origin of the word, stating that in 1791, the owner of the Dublin theater, James Daly, assumed that within twenty-four hours he would introduce a new word. For this purpose he hired a group of people who had been given the task of writing the word "nonsense" on the walls of Dublin. In the course of the day, the word gained publicity and received its present meaning (as no one knew it, it was commonly thought to be a test). However, there is no evidence to prove this, and the word itself was in use before 1791.



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