Sławomir Jastrzębowski

Sławomir Jastrzębowski (born 2 June 1968 in Łódź) is a Polish journalist. Curriculum vitae

He completed his studies at the University of Lodz and an Executive MBA at the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (2017). He worked in the Łódź branch of TVP as an investigative journalist in the "Lodz News of the Day" and was also the head of the investigative unit in "Dziennik Lodz". Since 2003 he has worked as a reporter in the "Fakcie", head of the events department, and since 2005 deputy editor-in-chief. In December 2007 he was appointed editor-in-chief of "Super Express". Since January 2014, he has been leading the program "So How?" (Originally broadcast in Superstacja, then from March 2017 on ZPR Media's new TV channel) and Superexpress.tv. In October 2014, he became the editor-in-chief of the Super Express Group, which includes all the products of this brand (printed newspaper, se.pl web site, foreign releases, mobile applications and thematic publications). From 2016 on TV, New TV conducts the program "But what's going on?". In May 2017 he joined the leading band in Polish Radio 24.

In 2015, awarded the Honorary European Medal by the Business Center Club.



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