Stratonika from Cappadocia

Stratonika of Cappadocia - the wife of the Perlagan rulers of the Attalid dynasty: Eumenes II and Attalos II.

She was the daughter of the Cappadocian Aristarchus IV of Eusebesa Filopatora. Initially she became the wife of the king (basileus) of Eumenes II, with whom she had a son Attalos (later Attalos III). However, some sources point out that Attalus was the son of Eumenes II of the illegitimate bed, adopted only by the childless Stratonica. When in 172 p.n.e. After hearing the death of Eumenes after his assassination at Delphi, his brother Attalos (later Attalus II) assumed a royal dynasty, married his brother, or Stratonica, but when he explained it without hesitation turned his throne and wife. Stratonika was the wife of Eumenes until his death. After Eumenes, the brother of the deceased Attalos II entered the throne. The new ruler married Stratonica and adopted her son.

The relationship between Stratonica and her (adopted) son Attalos III was good enough to the point that Attalos was nicknamed "Filometor" - loving mother. It was in the process of making a monument to the mother (the monuments were cast and forged by hand) suffered a severe sunburn and died. Bibliography www pages:



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