Downhill exit

The second meeting of the Ruthenian princes took place in Wyteczno near Trypola on August 10, 1100, at the initiative of Wlodzimierz Monomach.

On 10th August a peace was established between the princes of Swiatopoulov, Vladimir Monomach, Dawid Światoslawicz and Oleg Swiatoslawicz and decided to unite forces against the Poles. Prince David Igorewicz, who violated the covenant contained at the congress in Lubecz, and was a provocateur of fighting between the Ruthenian duchies, was deprived of the Duchy of Volodymyr-Volyn on 30 August. In return he received Busk, Ostróg, Dubno, Czartorysk and soon Dorohobu and 4000 silver fines. At the same time, it was decided to take back Vasily the Duchy of Trembowelskie.

After the reunion, a joint expedition of the princes against the Marines took place, which cut off their attacks on Kievan Rus. Literature



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