Fruit blush
Blush - one of the characteristics of stone fruit and apples. Blush on apples
The fruit of the ripe fruit has a characteristic color for the variety. The basic color is the one you see on the shaded side - green, green, yellow or yellow. There is usually a secondary color, that is blush. The blister may be small, small, stained, smudged, or cracked, or may cover the entire surface of the fruit in orange, brick, red, purple, carmine or dark brown.
The concentration and distribution of chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyanins are influenced by the color of the fruit. The synthesis depends on the conditions of the crop and the weather. Intensive synthesis is influenced by high day-to-day temperature amplitude before maturity.
The blush surface can be one of the auxiliary indicators for determining the maturity of fruit. Bibliography
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