Etolochoria - sowing of crop seeds (picture "Siewiec" by Albina Egger-Lienza)
Antropochoria, hemerchief - one of the ways of spreading the plant diaspora, in which human interaction causes their transport. If human participation is reduced to the transport of diaspora in a manner typical of animals (endochoria and epichoria), this method of spreading from zoosurgery is usually not isolated. Anthropochorias are considered as ways of spreading the diaspora, which are specific to man and his civilization. This propagation can be done consciously (with the knowledge and will of man) or unconsciously. Types of atropochoria
The following types of anthropochoris are distinguished:
Plants that are spread by anthropochoria are called anthropophytes. Plants that are intentionally introduced into some area by humans are introduced species. Plants unconsciously bred by humans are species that are trapped. Bibliography
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