Integrated permits have been introduced into EU law by the EU Directive 96/61 / EC, called the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive, issued in 1996, and have been transposed into Polish law ( adjusted by the Act of 27 April 2001 - Environmental Protection Law (Journal of Laws of 2008, No. 25, item 150, as amended). An integrated permit, which is in principle a certain form of industrial license for industrial and other installations (eg livestock, municipal waste water treatment plants), is to replace the existing environmental permits, including all the environmental impacts identified in the partial permits. their interconnections.

The application for an integrated permit should emphasize the overall approach of the plant to environmental protection. by applying best available techniques (BAT), ie the most effective techniques for achieving a high overall level of environmental protection as a whole, with a degree of development that enables it to be practically applied, taking into account economic and technical conditions and investment cost accounting; environmental benefits, and which technician can install and implement. "



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