Lejb-Guards Regiment of Kirasjers of Her Majesty

Soldier of the Lejb-Guwardy Regiment of Kirasjers of Her Majesty the Emperor Maria Fyodorovna

Lejb-Gwardyjski Pułk Kirasjerów Jej Wysokości Imperatorki Marii Fiodorownej (ros., Her Majesty the Cyrusir of the Empress Maria Feodorovna Life Guards Regiment) - pułk kawalerii okresu Imperium Rosyjskiego, sformowany w 1704.

In 1796 the patroness of the regiment was Maria Fyodorovna, Duchess of Württemberg, second wife of Tsar Paul of Russia.

The Regiment was involved in the armed forces of the Napoleonic era, as well as during the First World War.

Feast day: June 21. Localization in 1914: Carskie Sioło (Царское Село). Maria Fiodorowna - patroness of regiment Literature



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