Peter Bartrum
Peter Clement Bartrum (born 4 December 1907 in Hampstead, died 14 August 2008) is a British genealogist specializing in Welsh genealogy in the Middle Ages.
With a meteorologist education, he worked in the profession to retire in 1955. Since 1929 he has been researching the genealogy of Welsh families in the Middle Ages. Having no connection with Wales, he learned the Welsh language. He published a number of medieval texts devoted to genealogy along with his pedigrees, first in the eight-volume Welsh Genealogies AD 300 - 1400, and later in the eighteen volumes of the Welsh Genealogies AD 1400-1500. Burtman's work is considered to be the basic work for scientists dealing with medieval Wales.
In 2006, Aberystwyth University began work on the electronic version of the Welsh Genealogies Bartruma. Publications Bibliography Authoritative control (person):
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